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Stay well this winter: Joining a community activity or exercise session

Joining a local exercise class is a great way to keep motivated to get active during the winter months.

10th November 2023 | Chris Davis

Group exercise class

Staying strong and steady is important not only this winter for winters to come. Local exercise classes can be a great way to get some extra guidance and support with keeping fit and active.

Our safety when leaving the house guidance still applies, but other things to consider might include:


How will you get there?

Planning ahead and factoring in slower than normal travel times is sensible.


Is it worth it?

If the weather is extreme staying put might be wise, but try doing some home activity instead where you would have otherwise been at your activity.


Staying warm on the way and when you get home

Warp up as you normally would and remember to stay warm after your session when you get home.


Share a lift

Using public transport or sharing a lift might be a safer and more efficient option if you do need to go out in poorer weather.


Strength and Balance

Any activity is great, but anything to promote good strength and balance is a good place to start. Yoga, pilates, balance and gentle strengthening activities are all great. From about 55, we lose around 1% of our muscle mass every year. So it’s really important to strengthen our muscles. These types of exercises will help you keep your body strong and steady.


Useful resources:

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