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Youth Voice

What is Youth Voice?

Youth Voice involves listening to young people and including them in decisions that affect their lives. The  key aspects of Youth Voice:

  • Asking for young people’s views and ideas.
  • Helping young people design and run activities.
  • Working with young people to make changes.


Why is Youth Voice Important?

Youth Voice is a right and offers many benefits. It makes young people feel valued and connected, it helps them gain confidence and life skills and it gives them access to new opportunities.

There are also benefits for sport and physical activity provides such as developing better and more relevant services, increase engagement from young people and improved inclusion and diversity.

Overcoming Barriers

Youth Voice can face practical, social, and personal barriers for young people as well as the sport and physical activity sector. For young people, barriers include:

  • Issues with awareness, cost, and accessibility.
  • Concerns about diversity, judgement, and isolation.
  • Lack of confidence, past negative experiences, and lack of knowledge.

We work with those in the sector to remove these barriers for young people and create a county where they can be active and have the right to be heard, to play and develop.

Making Youth Voice Effective

To ensure youth voice is meaningful and effective, we must:

  • Involve all young people
  • Include those with special needs
  • Create a respectful environment
  • Build young people’s skills and confidence
  • Show that their input makes a difference

All of the work we do with children and young people is centred around them and capturing their voice. If you would like to find out more, get in contact with us.

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  • Active schools

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