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Active Design

Active Design sets out how the design of our environments can help people to lead more physically active and healthy lives – it’s about helping to create ‘active environments’.

By applying Active Design’s 10 principles to our built and natural environments, we can create active environments that encourage people to be active through their everyday lives. This short video explains how the Active Design principles can positively impact physical environments and peoples’ lives.

  • Active Design Guide

    Sport England have worked with Active Travel England (ATE) and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) to produce an updated version of the Active Design guide, which you can find here:


    Design Guide


The following resources also provide really helpful information and guidance when considering the development of active environments:

  • Building for a Healthy Life

    Building for a Healthy Life was created in partnership with Homes England and the NHS. It brings together 12 key principles to be used throughout the design and planning process, creating places that are better for people and nature.

    Finid out more

  • 20-Minute Neighbourhoods

    The Town and Country Planning Association partnered with Sport England to create the 20 Minute Neighbourhood guide for local planning authorities.

    It outlines a set of principles for success to address the important “place” characteristics that impact on our health.

    Find out more

  • The Healthy Streets Approach

    Healthy Streets® gives towns and cities around the world an evidence-based approach to create fairer, sustainable and attractive urban spaces.

    Find out more

  • Voice Opportunity Power

    Take a look at this toolkit which will help you involve young people in the making and managing of their neighbourhoods.

    Find out more


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