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About we can move

Gloucestershire’s social movement for physical activity

Physical activity can have a transformative impact on the lives of people, including their health and wellbeing.

In Gloucestershire, 23.2% of people are inactive and a further 13% are only fairly active, meaning over 30% of the Gloucestershire population are not meeting the recommended amount of exercise per week.

There are many reasons why someone may be inactive, but we want to remove those barriers and support people in Gloucestershire to benefit from a more active lifestyle in a way that works for them.

We can move is not simply another health campaign – we can move is a social movement of people committed to getting Gloucestershire physically active.

Organisations, community groups, activity providers and individuals work together to help others get active.

We all have the common goal to remove these barriers where we can,  tackle inequalities and encourage more people to enjoy an active life. We want to create a county where it is normal and easy to be active.

Use this page to find out more about we can move, our values and our approach to creating a more active Gloucestershire.


  • Find out more about we can move's vision and mission.

    Find out more about we can move’s vision and mission.

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  • Find out how we can move works and how we are creating a social movement.

    Find out how we can move works and how we are creating a social movement.

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  • Find out more about our partners and who is involved in we can move.

    Find out more about our partners and who is involved in we can move.

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  • Uniting the movement

    Uniting the Movement is Sport England’s 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.

    We can move is led by Gloucestershire’s Active Partnership, Active Gloucestershire and it is their role to support Sport England to make this vision a reality in Gloucestershire.


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